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Here you find contact details to the staff of YWCA-YMCA of Sweden as well as information about our complaint mechanism

Complaint handling

Submit a Complaint

If you suspect that something is not being done right, if you have experienced inappropriate behaviour or if you suspect corruption, you should form a complaint.

The complaint mechanism of YWCA-YMCA of Sweden can be used by

  • YWCA-YMCA of Sweden’s partner organizations, implementing partners and their employees
  • donors to YWCA-YMCA of Sweden
  • YWCA-YMCA of Sweden’s rights holders such as beneficiaries and institutions affected and/or involved in the development cooperation and other projects supported by the YWCA-YMCA of Sweden
  • others that in any way are affected, take part in, participate or have experienced the development cooperation projects, programmes or other initiatives supported or financed through/by YWCA-YMCA of Sweden or where YWCA-YMCA of Sweden participates

To raise a complaint, grievance or concern

  • use the online complaint form
  • fill in a complaint form in Word and sending it via email to
  • send an SMS or a WhatsApp message to +46 73 661 22 76 (Vsevolod Lukashenok)
  • contact any of the other staff members of YWCA-YMCA of Sweden (see contact information above) through email, phone or WhatsApp with the filled complaint form, if a different recipient is needed

Vsevolod Lukashenok is responsible for receiving complaints. If the complaint concerns the person responsible for handling complaints, it should be sent to the General Secretary of YWCA-YMCA of Sweden.

Response to Complaints

YWCA-YMCA of Sweden will deliver a response within 30 days.

You can find more information on YWCA-YMCA of Sweden’s complaint mechanism in the instructions document below.

Online Complaint Form
